Predefined actions, filter, checks and JS Events

Actions, checks and filter work as a callback function when specific events occur. This way you can add functionality to bpfw events without changing the bpfw code.
Actions just notify you, while filter provide a value that is expected to be returned in a manipulated form.
Like an array of allowed values.
A check requires you to return true or the linked action will be canceled.
Hint: You can define you own filters and actions, for that take a look at -> “ and other core files”.



// You can use it to do more complex form validations. 
// If not empty, the errors in errorsAlreadyFound will be shown in the dialog and submit will not be possible.
// Example:

class testModel{

    function __construct(){
        // [..]
        bpfw_add_filter(FILTER_FORMFIELD_VALIDATION, $this->GetTableName(),   array($this, "validateForm"), 10, 8);

    function validateForm($errorsAlreadyFound, $type, $value, $headerValue, $formValues, $key, $model, $component)
        $firstname = $formValues["firstname"]->data;
        if($firstname == "Balrog"){
            $errorsAlreadyFound[] = "You shall not pass";



// Manipulates the select queries of the model.
// can be used to restrict access, add tables for calculated fields and a lot more

// Example:

class testModel{

    function __construct(){
        // [..]
       // manipulates the join
       bpfw_add_filter(parent::FILTER_ENTRY_SELECT_WHERE, $this->GetTableName(), array($this, "filterSelectEntriesWherecust"), 10, 5);
       // manipulates the where
       bpfw_add_filter(parent::FILTER_ENTRY_SELECT_JOIN, $this->GetTableName(), array($this, "filterSelectEntriesJoin"), 10, 5);
       // manipulates the database fields selected
       bpfw_add_filter(DbModel::FILTER_EXTRAFIELDS, $this->GetTableName(), array($this, "extrafieldsForModel"), 10, 3);

    function filterSelectEntriesWherecust($where, $count, $offset, $sort, $join)
        // non admin users only have access to "their" data
        if (!bpfw_isAdmin()) {
            $limitToUserid = bpfw_getUserId();
            $where = "(" . $where . ")" . " AND ce.userId = '$limitToUserid'";

        return $where;

    function filterSelectEntriesJoin($join, $where, $count, $offset, $sort): string
        return $join .= " left join test2 on test2.testId = test.testId ";

   function extrafieldsForModel($extraFields, $model, $tablename){
        return $extraFields;

   protected function loadDbModel(): array
     // [..]
     $this->addForeignFieldAsLabel( "test2_field", "Field from test2", "timestamp", array( FORMSETTING::PAGE=>TcggradingModel::PAGE_INFO, LISTSETTING::HIDDENONLIST=>false, FORMSETTING::HIDDENONEDIT=>true, FORMSETTING::HIDDENONADD=>true,  LISTSETTING::AJAX_SORTABLE=>true ) );



// filter the db fields of a model. Manipulate default Models without cloning their source or add conditional fields.

// Example (can be used in your

bpfw_add_filter(DbModel::FILTER_GET_DBMODEL, "functions_inc_php", "dbmodel_filter", 10, 3);

function dbmodel_filter($dbfields, $model, $tablename){
    if($tablename == "test" || $tablename == "test2"){
    return $dbfields;


// add possibility to add custom languages like german sie and du

// Example:

bpfw_add_filter(FILTER_LANGUAGELIST, "functions_inc_php", "addCustomLanguages", 10, 1);

function addCustomLanguages($list){
    $list["kl"] = "Klingon";
    $list["de_du"] = "Deutsch (Du)";
    return $list";

Actions used in the Views:





// Manipulates the select queries of the model.
// can be used to restrict access, add tables for calculated fields and a lot more

// Example:

class testView{

    function initializeVariables(){

       /* $this->makeArrow = !$this->print;
        $this->makeDetail = !$this->print && bpfw_isAdmin();

        $this->hasAnyButtons = $this->makeDetail || $this->makeEdit || $this->makeTrash || $this->makeDuplicate || $this->makeArrow || $this->makeSendPassword; */

        // add buttons to context menu
        bpfw_add_action(DefaultlistView::ACTION_DEFAULTLISTVIEW_DISPLAY_BUTTONS, $this->model->GetTableName(), array($this, "extraButtons"), 10, 2 );

        // in dialog before close button, add pdfmailer or other icons here
        bpfw_add_action(DefaultlistView::ACTION_EDITDIALOG_BEFORE_HEADER_CLOSE_ICON, $this->model->GetTableName(), array($this, "actionBeforeCloseIcon"), 10, 1);

        // shown in main view before the table. Best location for custom content before the List
        bpfw_add_action(DefaultlistView::ACTION_DEFAULTLISTVIEW_BEFORE_RENDER_TABLE, $this->model->GetTableName(), array($this, "createBackupBar"));

        // before top buttons of the view (add new entry, print etc) are rendered
        bpfw_add_action(DefaultlistView::ACTION_DEFAULTLISTVIEW_BEFORE_RENDER_BUTTONS, $this->model->GetTableName(), array($this, "doBeforeTopButtons") );



    function actionBeforeCloseIcon($rowId): void
        if (bpfw_isAdmin()) {
            <span class="headerdialogbuttonrow datalist_button_wrapper list-enabled">

                <button type="button" class="tableicon_size open_eventmanager"
                        onclick="startIFrameDialog(<?php echo $rowId; ?>, '?p=examplepdfmanager&modelused=examplecomplex&hideNavigation=true&filter=<?php echo $rowId; ?>');"
                        data-id="<?php echo $rowId; ?>">
                    <i class="tableicon_small fas fa-file-pdf"> Create .pdf</i>

                   <button type="button" class="tableicon_size open_attachments"
                           onclick="startIFrameDialog(<?php echo $rowId; ?>, '?p=exampleattachments&hideNavigation=true&filter=<?php echo $rowId; ?>');"
                           data-id="<?php echo $rowId; ?>">
                    <i class="tableicon_small fa fa-paperclip"> Attachments</i>



    // add buttons to the contextmenu
    function extraButtons($key, $value){
            echo '
            <a class="tableicon_size open_eventmanager iframepopup" data-id='.$key.' title="Lebenslauf drucken" href="?p=usermanager&hideNavigation=true&filter=' . $key . '">
                <i class="tableicon fa fa-print"></i>

    function createBackupBar($key = "all", $value = "?")
        echo '
        <a target="_blank" title="export as JSON" class="tableicon_size" href="?p=backup&ajaxCall=true&command=createBackupFull">
            <i class="tableicon fa fa-hdd">'.__("Create new backup").'</i>

        echo '
        <a target="_blank" title="export as JSON" class="tableicon_size" href="?p=backup&ajaxCall=true&command=createBackupPartial">
            <i class="tableicon fa fa-hdd">'.__("New partial backup (Database only)").'</i>


(checks are like filters, but all corresponding check must return true for the do_check to succeed)


// only if true is returned, the row will be displayed

// Example:

class testView{

    function initializeVariables(){
        bpfw_add_check(DefaultlistView::ACTION_DEFAULTLISTVIEW_DISPLAY_ENTRY, $this->model->GetTableName(), array($this, "statusFilter"));


    function statusFilter($value){
            return false;
        return true;


Javascript Events

startEdit / startDuplicate -> called when an edit or update dialog is opened

EditEntrySubmit AddEntrySubmit deleteEntry
-> called on adding/deleting/editing a new Entry. Can be used to preprocess (calculated) fields before submitting.

startIframeDialog – called when a new IFrame based dialog is opened – like pdf creation

//register three different events that calculate new prices

registerBpfwEvent("AddEntrySubmit EditEntrySubmit deleteEntry", function (params) {
   if (params.model === "orderproduct") {
       if (params.event === "deleteEntry") {
          recalcOrderPrices("#" + getIdOfCurrentDialog());
        } else {
          recalcOrderPrices("#" + getIdOfParentDialog());

// reinit selectpicker on start edit
    registerBpfwEvent("startEdit", function (params) {

        if(params.model === "appsettings") {
            // component initializer of called form is not always including selectpicker, so fire again manually


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