Defining views for CRUD pages

While custom views for CRUD pages are completely optional, you can expand the display related functionality by using them.

To add a view, create a file inside your apps/(projectname)/mvc/views with the name (modelname) that extends DefaultListmodalView.
Hint: You could also use DefaultlistView or Defaultlist2View for a non ajax based version. But that is only recommended if you want a more basic version for a heavily customized view.

Add a class inside with the name of the file.
So you will have app/test/mvc/views/ with the content:

class ExamplecomplexView extends DefaultListmodalView

From there you can

Set names of dialogues

You can get rid of those “edit entry 12394” titles by overriding the functions in the view:

class ExamplecomplexView extends DefaultListmodalView
    // customize titles for dialogues
    function getAddTitle(): string
        return "Create new entry custom title";

    function getEditTitle(int $id): string
        return "Edit entry custom title for id $id";

    function getDuplicateTitle(int $id): string
        return "Duplicate title for $id";

    function getDeleteTitle(int $id): string
        // in case you want to get other fields like the name or address:
        // $this->entry = $this->model->GetEntry($_GET['id']);
        return "Delete entry $id?";

Add custom html on top of the page


    class ExamplecomplexView extends DefaultListmodalView

    function initializeVariables()
        // add html on top of form
        bpfw_add_action(DefaultlistView::ACTION_DEFAULTLISTVIEW_BEFORE_RENDER_TABLE, $this->model->GetTableName(), array($this, "doBeforeForm")); 

    function doBeforeForm()
        <div id="customcontent" class="display">
        (add Text, filter or custom functionality here)
        // You can also include another php file here, of course


has this result:

Add Buttons to the context menu of the main list

you can use the ACTION_DEFAULTLISTVIEW_DISPLAY_BUTTONS action for that:

class ExamplecomplexView extends DefaultListmodalView

    function initializeVariables()
        // before close button, add pdfmailer and downloads icon here
        bpfw_add_action(DefaultlistView::ACTION_EDITDIALOG_BEFORE_HEADER_CLOSE_ICON, $this->model->GetTableName(), array($this, "actionBeforeCloseIcon"), 10, 1);


     * Icons that appear on the top left of the add/edit/duplicate dialog
     * @param $rowId
     * @return void
    function actionBeforeCloseIcon($rowId): void

        if (bpfw_isAdmin()) {


            <span class="headerdialogbuttonrow datalist_button_wrapper list-enabled">

                <button type="button" class="tableicon_size open_eventmanager"
                        onclick="startIFrameDialog(<?php echo $rowId; ?>, '?p=examplepdfmanager&modelused=examplecomplex&hideNavigation=true&filter=<?php echo $rowId; ?>');"
                        data-id="<?php echo $rowId; ?>">
                    <i class="tableicon_small fas fa-file-pdf"> Create .pdf</i>

                   <button type="button" class="tableicon_size open_attachments"
                           onclick="startIFrameDialog(<?php echo $rowId; ?>, '?p=exampleattachments&hideNavigation=true&filter=<?php echo $rowId; ?>');"
                           data-id="<?php echo $rowId; ?>">
                    <i class="tableicon_small fa fa-paperclip"> Attachments</i>






will look like that:

Add Buttons to the top right of dialogues


class ExamplecomplexView extends DefaultListmodalView

    function initializeVariables()
        // add buttons to list
        bpfw_add_action(DefaultlistView::ACTION_DEFAULTLISTVIEW_DISPLAY_BUTTONS, $this->model->GetTableName(), array($this, "extraButtons"), 10, 2);


    function extraButtons($key, $value)

        // custom entries to row menu.

        if (bpfw_isAdmin()) {
            // use class 'iframepopup' to open link as a dialog with an iframe
            echo '
            <a class="tableicon_size open_eventmanager iframepopup" data-id=' . $key . ' title="pdf generation and sending" href="?p=examplepdfmanager&modelused=examplecomplex&hideNavigation=true&filter=' . $key . '">
                <i class="tableicon fas fa-file-pdf">Create .pdf</i>

            echo '
            <a class="tableicon_size open_attachments iframepopup" data-id=' . $key . ' title="Attachments" href="?p=exampleattachments&hideNavigation=true&filter=' . $key . '">
                <i class="tableicon fa fa-paperclip">Attachments</i>




will look like that:

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