Framework functions
BPFW includes a lot of utility functions for different usages. Some are used by the core framework and some were just useful over the last years.
You can find them in /bpfw/core/functions/*.inc.php in files sorted by functionality.
The most essential functions are: and other core files
* @return bool is on windows?
function bpfw_is_windows(): bool
checks if the key exists in GET or POST and returns it. returns null otherwise.
* @param $name string key to search in get or post
* @return mixed|null value or null
function getorpost($name)
if (isset($_POST[$name])) return $_POST[$name];
if (isset($_GET[$name])) return $_GET[$name];
return null;
checks if a string (a response for example) can be converted to json
* @param $string mixed json string (or not)
* @return bool string is a json string
function isJson(mixed $string): bool
checks if a string (a response for example) can be converted to json
* Create a model by name. Looks for modelfiles, includes them and returns an object. respects the hierarchy (look at app first, then parent, then bpfs core)
* @param string $name name of the model
* @param bool $cache enable caching
* @param bool $throwExceptionOnNotExisting
* @return ?BpfwModel model or null
* @throws Exception
function bpfw_createModelByName(string $name, bool $cache = false, bool $throwExceptionOnNotExisting = true): ?BpfwModel
check if the model exists
* check if the model exists
* @param $name string name name of the model
* @throws Exception
function bpfw_modelExists(string $name): bool
get model values as array from modelname and keyvalue
* @throws Exception
* @noinspection PhpUnused
function bpfw_getModelValues($name, $keyValue): ?array
add an action. An action is a callback function that is called when the corresponding do_action is called
(there are predefined actions, for a list see the corresponding documentation page)
* register a new Action (BEFORE do_action is called)
* add an action. An action is a callback function that is called when the corresponding do_action is called
* @param string $tag
* @param string|null $contextName
* @param callable $function_to_add
* @param int $priority
* @param int $accepted_args
function bpfw_add_action(string $tag, string|null $contextName, callable $function_to_add, int $priority = 10, int $accepted_args = 0): void
execute previously registered Actions
(there are predefined actions, for a list see the corresponding documentation page)
* execute previously registered Actions
* @param string $tag
* @param string|null $contextName
* @param array $params
* @param object|null $contextClass
* @return mixed
* @throws Exception
function bpfw_do_action(string $tag, string|null $contextName, array $params = array(), object|null $contextClass = null): mixed
A filter is a special form of action. the first parameter is returned from the callback and can be manipulated that way. besides from that it behaves like an action.
(there are predefined filters, for a list see the corresponding documentation page)
* register a new Filter (BEFORE do_action is called)
* A filter is a special form of action. the first parameter is returned and can be manipulated. besides from that it behaves like an action.
* @param string $tag
* @param string|null $contextname
* @param callable $function_to_add
* @param int $priority
* @param int $accepted_args
* @throws Exception
function bpfw_add_filter(string $tag, string|null $contextname, callable $function_to_add, int $priority = 10, int $accepted_args = 1): void
execute previously registered Filter
(there are predefined filters, for a list see the corresponding documentation page)
* execute previously registered Filter
* @param string $tag
* @param string|null $contextName
* @param array $params
* @param object|null $contextClass // only execute callbacks from this class
* @return false|mixed
* @throws Exception
function bpfw_do_filter(string $tag, string|null $contextName, array $params = array(), object|null $contextClass = null): mixed
Actions/Callbacks in Javascript: registerBpfwEvent, handleBpfwEvent
You can also do callback actions in javascript:
(there are predefined events, for a list see the corresponding documentation page)
registerBpfwEvent("someAction", function (params) {});
handleBpfwEvent("someAction", {value:123});
Functions in
Compare arrayvalues of two arrays. Returns true on an exact match.
/** * true if array values are identical * @param mixed $array1 * @param mixed $array2 * @return bool */ function bpfw_compare_arrayvalues(mixed $array1, mixed $array2): bool
Functions in
bpfw_isEditAction, bpfw_isDuplicateAction, bpfw_isEditOrDuplicateAction, bpfw_isAddAction, bpfw_isDeleteAction
checks if the current call is a call to edit/delete/add/duplicate something.
function bpfw_isDeleteAction(): bool
return isset($_GET['delete']) && is_numeric($_GET['delete']);
function bpfw_isAddAction(): bool
return isset($_GET['addAction']) && is_numeric($_GET['addAction']) || isset($_GET['openadd']) || isset($_GET['openAdd']);
function bpfw_isEditOrDuplicateAction(): bool
return bpfw_isEditAction() || bpfw_isDuplicateAction();
function bpfw_isEditAction(): bool
return isset($_GET['editAction']) && is_numeric($_GET['editAction']) || isset($_GET['edit']) && is_numeric($_GET['edit']);
function bpfw_isDuplicateAction(): bool
return isset($_GET['editAction']) && is_numeric($_GET['editAction']) || isset($_GET['duplicate']) && is_numeric($_GET['duplicate']);
get the link to unsubscribe a user from the newsletter.
* @param $type string user or customer
* @param $id int user or customerid
* @return string the url the user has to click
function bpfw_get_unsubscribe_link(string $type, int $id): string
Count how many form elements are editable. Used to disable some functionality if not necessary.
* @param $data_header BpfwModelFormfield[] fieldheader you can get with (model)->getDbModel()
* @return int editable fields in model
* @throws Exception
function bpfw_countEditableFields(array $data_header): int
Is the current call an ajax call?
* is the current page that is loading an ajax call
* @return bool
function bpfw_isAjax(): bool
Add values of a dbmodel entry to the $variables array.
* set values in variable array with assigned prefix. used a lot for pdf generation
* @param DbModelEntry|null $dbModelEntry kvp array value
* @param string $prefix variable is saved as prefix.value example:
* @param array $variables array with previous set variables
* @return array
* @throws Exception
function bpfw_setVariables(?DbModelEntry $dbModelEntry, string $prefix, array $variables): array
bpfw_setMetadata, bpfw_getMetadata
quick way to save and load some properties for a model outside of the default schema.
Those are stored in the database, so you can access them anytime
bpfw_setMetadata("user", 123, array("hello"=>"world"));
// anytime and anywhere:
$array = bpfw_getMetadata("user", 123);
* Sets Metadata for type/id pair. For Exampe "User" 23.
* @param mixed $type string as type ("user", "order" ... )
* @param mixed $id id - typically the PK of the table
* @param array|string $json_data json or array of additional metadata
* @param mixed|bool $updateExisting update/overwrite data if existing in database
* @return int metadataId of new or existing entry
* @throws Exception
function bpfw_setMetadata(mixed $type, mixed $id, array|string $json_data, bool $updateExisting = true): int
* Get Metadata by modelname/id
* @param mixed $type string as type ("user", "order" ...
* @param mixed $id id - typically the PK of the table
* @return null|array if existing returns array with values (metadataId, type, id, json_data) NULL otherwise
* @throws Exception
function bpfw_getMetadata(mixed $type, mixed $id): ?array
return bpfw_createModelByName("metadata")->getMetadata($type, $id);
get the slug of the active app
* return slug of active app
* @return string
function bpfw_getActiveApp() : string
Adds a spoiler info icon to a text. That’s a ? that gives you some information about the functionality etc. when hovered over with the mouse or clicked
* add Spoiler hint to text
* @param array|string $label
* @param string $spoilertext
* @return array|string
function bpfw_addSpoilerHint(array|string $label, string $spoilertext): array|string
Functions of
Convert unix timestamp to given format. If no format is set, global format is used. If timestamp is “NOW()”, it will return “NOW()”
* @param mixed $timestamp
* @param string $format
* @return string
function bpfw_TimestampTodatestring(mixed $timestamp, string $format = "default"): string
Convert unix timestamp to date in given format. If no format is set, global format is used. If timestamp is “NOW()”, it will return “NOW()”
* @param $timestamp2 mixed unix timestamp or NOW() or empty
* @param $format string format to convert the datetime
* @param $allowEmptyTime boolean if timestamp is empty return "". throw exception otherwise
* @return string formatted date
* @throws Exception
function bpfw_TimestampToDateTimeString(mixed $timestamp2, string $format = "d.m.Y H:i:s", $allowEmptyTime = false): string
if (!$allowEmptyTime && empty($timestamp2)) {
return "";
if (!is_numeric($timestamp2) && $timestamp2 != "NOW()") {
throw new Exception("invalid timestamp (not numeric) in bpfw_TimestampToDateTimeString: '$timestamp2'");
$timestamp = $timestamp2;
if ($timestamp2 == "NOW()") {
$timestamp = time();
if (is_string($timestamp2)) {
$timestamp = intval(trim($timestamp));
if ($timestamp2 == 0) {
$timestamp = 0;
return date($format, $timestamp);
bpfw_set_defaultdateformat, bpfw_get_defaultDateFormat
get and set the default date format
* set the default date format used in the system
* @param string $format format as used in php date function
* @return void
function bpfw_set_defaultdateformat(string $format = "d.m.Y"): void
* @return string default format for BPFW - as used in php date function
function bpfw_get_defaultDateFormat(): string
gets a datestring and returns a DateTime object
* gets a datestring and returns a DateTime object
* @param string|DbSubmitValue|null $dateString
* @return DateTime
* @throws Exception
function bpfw_DateStringToDateTime(string|DbSubmitValue|null $dateString): DateTime
convert a mysql datestring
* @param string|DbSubmitValue $dateString mysql date (format Y-m-d H:i:s or Y-m-d H:i:s h:i:s)
* @param string $newFormat format as in php date()
* @param bool $replacePlaceholders replace NOW() or keep it?
* @return string
* @throws Exception
function bpfw_mysqlDateStringToFormat(string|DbSubmitValue $dateString, string $newFormat = "d.m.Y", bool $replacePlaceholders = true): string
Get current date as mysql format (Y-m-d H:i:s)
* Get current date as mysql format (Y-m-d H:i:s)
* @return string current date as mysql format
function bpfw_current_mysql_datetimestring(): string
* d.m.y/d.m.Y to Y-m-d
* @param ?string $dateString
* @return string
function bpfw_DateStringToMysqlDateString(?string $dateString): string
convert d.m.y or d.m.Y format to mysql datestring
* @param mixed $timestampOrString timestamp or time string
* @return bool is weekend?
* @throws Exception
function bpfw_isWeekend(mixed $timestampOrString): bool
is current timestamp or datestring a weekend?
check if date is empty. also checks for empty strings like 0000-00-00
* check if date is empty. also checks for empty strings like 0000-00-00
* @param $date mixed
* @return bool
function bpfw_emptydate(mixed $date): bool
if (empty($date)) return true;
if ($date == "0000-00-00") return true;
if ($date == "1970-01-01") return true;
if ($date == "0000-00-00 00:00:00") return true;
if ($date == "1970-01-01 00:00:00") return true;
return false;
Functions in
Log data in datalog table (can be viewed as an admin in datalog “?p=datalog”)
* Log data in datalog table (can be viewed as an admin in datalog "?p=datalog")
* @param string $modelName
* @param mixed $key
* @param string $logType
* @param string $metadata
* @throws Exception
function bpfw_logDataEntry(string $modelName, mixed $key, string $logType, string $metadata = "{{{readEntries}}}"): void
check if sql debug is active
* @return bool debug sql active?
function bpfw_is_debug_sql(): bool
* check if server is running locally, so we can disable or change some functionality
* @return bool Server is local
function bpfw_isLocalTestserver(): bool
check if server is running locally, so we can disable or change some functionality
return a string with the current stacktrace inside
* @return string return a string with the current stacktrace inside
function bpfw_debug_string_backtrace(): string
Functions in
copy a file to the correct directory and return the data to be saved
* copy a file to the correct directory and return the data to be saved
* @param $subdirectory string subdir in uploads folder
* @param $key mixed key of the file.
* @param $fileData array filedata as array as in php $_FILE (name, size, type, tmp_name, error)
* @return bool|string
function bpfw_handleFileUpload(string $subdirectory, mixed $key, array $fileData): bool|string
copy a folder to a zip file
* copy a folder to a zip file
* @param $source string path to folder
* @param $dest string path to zipfile to be created
* @return void
function bpfw_copy_dir_as_zip(string $source, string $dest): void
Copy a file, or recursively copy a folder and its contents
* Copy a file, or recursively copy a folder and its contents
* @param string $source Source path
* @param string $dest Destination path
* @return bool Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
function bpfw_copy_dir(string $source, string $dest): bool
get the size of a directory (includes all subdirectories)
* get the size of a directory (includes all subdirectories)
* @param $path string path to folder
* @return int size in byte
function bpfw_foldersize($path): int
count the number of files in a directory
* count the number of files in a directory
* @param $path string path to directory
* @return int files found
function bpfw_fileCount(string $path): int
formats a byte number to a more readable format string(22 KB, 33 MB etc.)
* formats a byte number to a more readable format string(22 KB, 33 MB etc.)
* @param $size int size in byte
* @return string formatted size
function bpfw_format_size(int $size): string
delete directory with its subdirectories
* delete directory with its subdirectories
* @param $dir string path to dir
* @return bool success
function bpfw_delete_dir(string $dir): bool
Functions in
__() or bpfw_getTranslation()
get a translated word. __(“Cookie”) will return “Keks” if german is active etc.
* get a translated word (alias for bpfw_getTranslation());
* @param $word_orig string original word
* @param $parameters array parameters if existing. can be used with {{{keyname}}} inside the translation
* @param $domain_orig string textdomain
* @param $lang string language if not autodetected
* @param $addIfNotExisting boolean add to database as if not existing
* @return string
function __(string $word_orig, array $parameters = array(), string $domain_orig = 'default', string $lang = 'current', bool $addIfNotExisting = true): string
get array of active languages in format array(“de”=>”Deutsch, “en”=>English”)
* get array of active languages
* @return array array like array("de"=>"Deutsch, "en"=>English")
* @throws Exception
function bpfw_get_active_languages(): array
get array of all commonly used languages
* get array of all languages
* @throws Exception
* @return string[] array with array('ab' => 'Abkhazian','aa' => 'Afar','af' => 'Afrikaans', [...] )
function bpfw_getLanguagesArray() : array
get array of all countries
* @return string[]
function bpfw_getCountryArray(): array
get the language code of the currently active language
* get the language code of the currently active language
* @return string currently used language code. might return null if l18n is disabled
* @throws Exception
function bpfw_getCurrentLanguageCode() : ?string
if you want to use translations in js, announce them first. After that they can be used inside JS with __(“original word”);
* if you want to use translations in js, announce them first. After that they can be used inside JS with __("original word");
* @throws Exception
function bpfw_js_announce_translation($word, $translation = "{auto}"): void
Functions in
Send a mail through the system. Not saved in outbox.
* Send a mail through the system
* @param string $subject
* @param string $text
* @param BpfwMailAddress|$to |BpfwMailAddress[] $to
* @param BpfwMailAddress|null $cc |BpfwMailAddress[]||null $cc
* @param BpfwMailAddress|null $bcc |BpfwMailAddress[]||null $bcc
* @param BpfwMailAddress|null $from |null $from
* @param array|BpfwMailAttachmentInterface $attachments |BpfwMailAttachmentInterface[]||null $attachments
* @param boolean $debug
* @return bool
* @throws \PHPMailer\PHPMailer\Exception
* @throws Exception
function bpfw_sendmail(string $subject, string $text, BpfwMailAddress $to, BpfwMailAddress $cc = null, BpfwMailAddress $bcc = null, BpfwMailAddress $from = null, array|BpfwMailAttachmentInterface $attachments = array(), bool $debug = false): bool
create a php mailer. you should prefer to use the bpfw_sendmail function if there is no reason againstit
* create a php mailer. you should prefer to use the bpfw_sendmail function if there is no reason againstit
* @param string $sender
* @param string $sender_name
* @param bool $debug
* @return PHPMailer
* @throws \PHPMailer\PHPMailer\Exception
* @throws Exception
function bpfw_create_mailer(string $sender = "", string $sender_name = "", bool $debug = false): PHPMailer
save a mail to the outbox. unless $sendDirectly is true it is sent when the next sent interval is triggered (cronjob or button)
* save a mail to the outbox. unless $sendDirectly is true it is sent when the next sent interval is triggered (cronjob or button)
* @param string $subject
* @param string $text
* @param $to
* @param null $cc
* @param null $bcc
* @param null $from
* @param array $attachments
* @param boolean $sendDirectly
* @param boolean $debug
* @param bool $testmode
* @return bool
* @throws Exception
function bpfw_sendmail_with_mailer(string $subject, string $text, $to, $cc = null, $bcc = null, $from = null, array $attachments = array(), bool $sendDirectly = false, bool $debug = false, bool $testmode = false): bool
save a mail in the outbox and send it without delay
* save a mail in the outbox and send it without delay
* @param string $subject
* @param string $text
* @param $to
* @param null $cc
* @param null $bcc
* @param null $from
* @param array $attachments
* @param boolean $debug
* @param bool $testmode
* @return bool
* @throws Exception
function bpfw_sendmail_with_mailer_send_directly(string $subject, string $text, $to, $cc = null, $bcc = null, $from = null, array $attachments = array(), bool $debug = false, bool $testmode = false): bool
get the last error that occured when sending mails
* get the last error that occured when sending mails
* @return string
function bpfw_get_last_mailerror(): string
Search for the mail address in users and customers and create a BpfwMailAddress with the correct user first and lastname
* Search for the mail address in users and customers and create a BpfwMailAddress with the correct user first and lastname
* @param mixed $email
* @param array|mixed $types array with user and/or customer
* @return BpfwMailAddress|null
* @throws Exception
function bpfw_findMailAddress(mixed $email, array $types = array("user", "customer")): ?BpfwMailAddress
bpfw_getDefaultMailFrom, bpfw_getDefaultMailIntern, bpfw_getDefaultMailBcc
returns the default mail addresses for from, intern and bcc.
* returns default Mail From Adress as bpfw class
* @return BpfwMailAddress
* @throws Exception
function bpfw_getDefaultMailFrom(): BpfwMailAddress
return new BpfwMailAddress(bpfw_loadSetting(SETTING_EMAIL_ABSENDER), bpfw_loadSetting(SETTING_EMAIL_ABSENDER_NAME), bpfw_getUserId(), "user");
* returns default Mail internal Adress as bpfw class
* @return BpfwMailAddress
* @throws Exception
function bpfw_getDefaultMailIntern(): BpfwMailAddress
return new BpfwMailAddress(bpfw_loadSetting(SETTING_EMAIL_INTERN), bpfw_loadSetting(SETTING_EMAIL_INTERN), null, "user");
* returns default Mail bcc Adress as bpfw class
* @return BpfwMailAddress
* @throws Exception
function bpfw_getDefaultMailBcc(): BpfwMailAddress
return new BpfwMailAddress(bpfw_loadSetting(SETTING_EMAIL_INTERN), bpfw_loadSetting(SETTING_EMAIL_BCC_EMPFAENGER), null, "user");
Functions in
converts a float to eur. 12,21/12.21 becomes 12 Euro 21 Cents
* converts a float to eur. 12,21/12.21 becomes 12 Euro 21 Cents
* @param $input float
* @return string
function bpfw_float_to_eur(float $input): string
converts 122,222.11 to 122.222,11
/** * 122,222.11 to 122.222,11 * @param string $value * @return string */ function bpfw_toUsNumberFormat(string $value): string {
converts 122,222.11 to 122.222,11
/** * converts 122,222.11 to 122.222,11 * @param string $value * @return string */ function bpfw_fromUsNumberFormat(string $value): string {
Functions in
converts 122,222.11 to 122.222,11
* @param $settingValue string setting variable This is a name of a field in settingsModel. Default settings are also defined as SETTING_ constants in
* @param $where string additional where clause if you have more than one set of settings
* @return mixed|null
* @throws Exception
function bpfw_loadSetting(string $settingValue, string $where = "1"): mixed
Functions in
cut a string to a specific length if it is too long
* @param $string string string to cut
* @param $maxLength int max length
* @return string
function bpfw_cutStringToLength(string $string, int $maxLength) : string
sanitize string – can be used to make any string to a filename
* sanitize string - can be used to make any string to a filename
* @param $string string
* @param $force_lowercase bool all chars lowercase
* @param $onlyAlphabetAndNumbersAllowed bool only allow chars and numbers
* @param $replaceSpaces bool no spaces
* @return array|string|null
function bpfw_sanitize(string $string, bool $force_lowercase = false, bool $onlyAlphabetAndNumbersAllowed = false, bool $replaceSpaces = false): array|string|null
bool to string bool with “true” and “false”
* bool to string bool with "true" and "false"
* @param boolean $boolVal
* @return string
function bpfw_boolToString(bool $boolVal): string
Functions in
bpfw_isAdmin, bpfw_isDeveloper
current User is an admin or developer/superadmin
* @return bool current user is an admin
function bpfw_isAdmin(): bool
* @return bool is developer
function bpfw_isDeveloper(): bool
array of all default user ranks and their name.
* @return array array of all default user ranks and their name
* @throws Exception
function bpfw_getUsertypeArray(): array
user has at least the given rank
* user has at least the given rank
* @param $minUserRank int rank (0=superadmin, higher = less permissions)
* @return bool
function bpfw_hasPermission(int $minUserRank): bool
get usertype/rank of current user
* @return int usertype of current user
function bpfw_getCurrentUsertype() : int
Generates a strong password of N length containing at least one lower case letter, one uppercase letter, one digit, and one special character. The remaining characters
in the password are chosen at random from those four sets.
The available characters in each set are user-friendly – there are no ambiguous
characters such as i, l, 1, o, 0, etc. This, coupled with the $add_dashes option,
makes it much easier for users to manually type or speak their passwords.
Note: the $add_dashes option will increase the length of the password by floor(sqrt(N)) characters.
* Generates a strong password of N length containing at least one lower case letter,
* one uppercase letter, one digit, and one special character. The remaining characters
* in the password are chosen at random from those four sets.
* The available characters in each set are user-friendly - there are no ambiguous
* characters such as i, l, 1, o, 0, etc. This, coupled with the $add_dashes option,
* makes it much easier for users to manually type or speak their passwords.
* Note: the $add_dashes option will increase the length of the password by floor(sqrt(N)) characters.
* @param $length int length of password
* @param $add_dashes bool
* @param $available_sets string string out of "luds" (lowercase, uppercase, numbers, special chars). defines the set the password can contain.
* @return string
function bpfw_generatePassword(int $length = 9, bool $add_dashes = false, string $available_sets = 'luds'): string
get a salutation array for comboboxes etc.
* get a salutation array for comboboxes etc.
* @return array
* @throws Exception
function bpfw_getSalutationArray(): array
Is the visiting user logged in?
* is visitor user logged in?
* @return bool is logged in
function bpfw_isLoggedIn(): bool
bpfw_getUser, bpfw_getUserId, bpfw_getUserName, bpfw_getUsertype
get all userdata or the userid or the username of the current user
* get all userdata. contains the data of the userModel like username, rank and userId
* @return array|null
function bpfw_getUser() : array | null
if (bpfw_isLoggedIn()) {
return $_SESSION['userdata'];
return null;
* gets the username
* @return ?string
function bpfw_getUserName()
if (bpfw_isLoggedIn()) {
return $_SESSION['userdata']['username'];
return null;
* Userid of logged in User
* @return mixed
function bpfw_getUserId(): mixed
if (bpfw_isLoggedIn()) {
return $_SESSION['userdata']['userId'];
return -1;
* Is the visiting user logged in?
* @return bool is logged in
function bpfw_isLoggedIn(): bool
return !empty($_SESSION['userdata']);